Mosonmagyaróvár Magyarország gay
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Magyarországi társkereső
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Mosonmagyaróvár railway station
In , after the Turks were repulsed at the Siege of Vienna , they destroyed Óvár almost completely, leveling all of its Medieval buildings, including the castle and the Romanesque church. The armies of János Szapolyai and the Archduke Ferdinand also sacked the town. However, once again the inhabitants went about rebuilding it. During the Reformation , the town was almost completely converted to Lutheranism , and the famous preacher Huszár Gal opened a Lutheran school at Magyaróvár in Counterreformative movements forbade Protestantism in , closing down the school and the Lutheran church.
Due to the lax nature of the new statutes, and the rights of the townspeople as enforced by Ferdinand and Archduke Maximilian , however, religion did not become compulsory. During this time, Moson and Óvár alike were attacked by various armies, including Turkish and German mercenaries. After the fall of Győr in , the castle was modernized to withstand a possible future attack by Italian engineers. During the 17th century Magyaróvár enjoyed great urban development and some independence.
In , the new castle was helpless against the retreating Turkish army, which had been repulsed again at Vienna.
Magyarország legnagyobb települései lakónépesség szerint – Wikipédia
Both Moson and Magyaróvár were set ablaze. Though the town archives were now completely destroyed, the damage was repaired more quickly this time around, at least quickly enough to allow Rákóczi to use the castle as a base during his war for independence from the Habsburgs. In , after the revolution was crushed, the castle at Magyaróvár lost its strategic importance, and all military materiel was transferred to Bratislava.
However, the town prospered greatly after the war, with the establishment of new guilds, a town doctor, and the Piarist school. The Austrian government wished to limit the independence of the town, but the people were able to hold on to a degree of autonomy; an agreement to this effect was signed in after delegates had been sent to Vienna and Buda. In , Napoleon 's army demanded the town's provisions for his wars of conquest , and although this impoverished the people, they saved the town from destruction.
During the revolution of , Magyaróvár and Moson both contributed to the fight for independence. On 23 October of that year, Kossuth Lajos made a recruitment speech in the town. The regiments skirmished with the Austrian troops but were sorely defeated. For the rest of the 19th century, the towns continued to grow. Factories, hospitals, schools, and other social institutions were established. In , a railway station was built on the line from Győr to Bruck an der Leitha. This was a time of relative peace. By there was already talk of unifying the two towns. As a consequence of the Treaty of Trianon , most of Moson county was lost to non-Hungarian lands and all signs of the Habsburg rule were destroyed.
What followed was another period of peace, during which time Moson and Magyaróvár were administratively unified as Mosonmagyaróvár. However, cultural differences, and even rivalry, were to persist well into the later twentieth century. During the Second World War , unemployment plummeted and the town's industry prospered. The town did not suffer much damage during the war; in , its significant German population was deported. In bus services were created. During the later s most of the town's institutions were nationalized by the communist regime.
As many as 50 protesting civilians were killed during the revolution of '56 , and the town was slow to recover. During the communist years, a new "town center" was developed between the existing Medieval centers of Moson and Magyaróvár, and there was significant development, including the opening of a university, new schools, and other public projects.
After the reestablishment of the current Representative Parliamentary Democracy in , the Young Democrats controlled the city administration for a few years, expanding tourism and making developments to the gas and sewage infrastructure.