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A fourth purpose of this document is to reaffirm that Church members should address the issue of same-sex marriage with respect and civility and should treat all people with love and humanity. Marriage is sacred and was ordained of God from before the foundation of the world.

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From the beginning, the sacred nature of marriage was closely linked to the power of procreation. Only a man and a woman together have the natural biological capacity to conceive children. Misuse of this power undermines the institution of the family. For millennia, strong families have served as the fundamental institution for transmitting to future generations the moral strengths, traditions, and values that sustain civilization.

Marriage is far more than a contract between individuals to ratify their affections and provide for mutual obligations. Rather, marriage is a vital institution for rearing children and teaching them to become responsible adults. Throughout the ages, governments of all types have recognized marriage as essential in preserving social stability and perpetuating life. Regardless of whether marriages were performed as a religious rite or a civil ceremony, in almost every culture marriage has been protected and endorsed by governments primarily to preserve and foster the institution most central to rearing children and teaching them the moral values that undergird civilization.

It is true that some couples who marry will not have children, either by choice or because of infertility. The special status granted marriage is nevertheless closely linked to the inherent powers and responsibilities of procreation and to the innate differences between the genders. By contrast, same-sex marriage is an institution no longer linked to gender—to the biological realities and complementary natures of male and female.

Its effect is to decouple marriage from its central role in creating life, nurturing time-honored values, and fostering family bonds across generations. In recent decades, high rates of divorce and out-of-wedlock births have resulted in an exceptionally large number of single parents. Many of these single parents have raised exemplary children. Extensive studies have shown, however, that a husband and wife who are united in a loving, committed marriage generally provide the ideal environment for protecting, nurturing, and raising children.

As an eminent academic on family life has written:. The burden of social science evidence supports the idea that gender differentiated parenting is important for human development and that the contribution of fathers to child rearing is unique and irreplaceable. Our modern era has seen traditional marriage and family—defined as a husband and wife with children in an intact marriage—come increasingly under assault, with deleterious consequences.

Further, the marriage rate has been declining since the s. These trends do not bode well for the development of the rising generation.

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A wide range of social ills has contributed to this weakening of marriage and family. These include divorce, cohabitation, non-marital childbearing, pornography, the erosion of fidelity in marriage, abortion, the strains of unemployment and poverty, and many other social phenomena. The Church has a long history of speaking out on these issues and seeking to minister to our members with regard to them. The focus of this document on same-sex marriage is not intended to minimize these long-standing issues.

Diplomás Társkereső

The movement to promote same-sex marriage as an inherent or constitutional right has gained notable ground in recent years. Court rulings, legislative actions, and referenda have legalized same-sex marriage in a number of nations, states, and jurisdictions. In response, societal and religious leaders of many persuasions and faiths have made the case that redefining marriage in this way will further weaken the institution over time, resulting in negative consequences for both adults and children.

A large number of people around the world recognize the crucial role that traditional marriage has played and must continue to play if children and families are to be protected and moral values propagated. Because the issue of same-sex marriage strikes at the very heart of the family and has the potential for great impact upon the welfare of children, the Church unequivocally affirms that marriage should remain the lawful union of a man and a woman.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches that God has established clear standards of morality for His children, who are accountable before Him for their behavior. Such standards cannot be changed by the reasoning, emotions, personal interests, or opinions of mortal beings. If tolerance is defined as showing kindness for others and respect for differing viewpoints, it is an important value in all democratic societies.

But as Elder Dallin H. Tolerance is a way of reacting to diversity, not a command to insulate it from examination. Ki az a Laura? Melinda és Csaba 4 év egyedüllét után végső elkeseredésemben regisztráltam az oldalon, mivel nem vagyok egy buliba járós típus, így nem volt sok lehetőségem az ismerke Pszichológiai alapú megfeleltetés Magyarország legjobb pszichológusai rakták össze azt az algoritmust, amivel párosítani tudjuk tagjainkat lelki megfelelőség szerint is! Diplomás társkeresők Zsuzsa 50 éves diplomás tatabányai nő. Betty 55 éves diplomás budapesti nő.

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